Upcoming Events:
*Sat. 8th, 10-4pm: Chocolate Walk
(advance tickets required)
​*Sat. 15th, 6:45pm: Movie Nite
“Under the Tuscan Sun” (Pg-13).
Post-film fun!
Suggested donation for the event is $5.
Get a free glass of wine when you buy a bag of popcorn!
*Fri. 21st, 7-9pm: Open Mic!
All ages/all talents! $5
*Wed. 26th, 6pm: Trivia Nite!
Snacks ok but no outside drinks.
Prizes! $10
*Fri. 28th, 4-8pm: Mardi Gras on N. Main!
FREE Dixieland and jazz music by the Mineral Area Fine Arts Academy.
Mask making for all ages!
Costume contest at the after party - 8pm at Dr. Hertich House (99 N. Main Street).​​​​​
*Fri. 26th, 7pm: Monarchy
(featuring Ethan Dale King)
Every Third Friday of Every Month: