Select the video above to take a video tour of the shop!
Select the "corners" icon in the video for full screen view.
(Music copyrighted by Lance Johnson and Bleach.
Check out their new band - Feed the Masses.)

Music Art Love is a definite must when visiting the quaint historic town of Sainte Genevieve, MO.
Visitors and locals alike fall in love with this eclectic, interactive gallery/boutique/event space.
Not only can you shop for art, décor, clothes, musical instruments and memorabilia but you can play a game of chess or trivia, play the house instruments, or relax with a glass of wine. There's even a kids' nook!
Music Art Love is also host to a variety of events. Open mics, music showcases, trivia nites, movie nites, art exhibits, presentations, and a variety of classes are just some of the exciting events we offer.
Please visit our Gallery to see some of the artistic and music-related items including ‘GuitArt’ (mixed media collage on salvaged guitars) by owner and artist ChrisAlex.
Pick up a Music Art Love tee, hoodie, or souvenir through our Online Store. To purchase artwork, please call the gallery directly at 954-805-5992.
Select Events to see a list of upcoming events.
You can also keep up-to-date through our Music Art Love Facebook page
We hope you will feel welcomed and part of the Music Art Love family the minute you walk in the door.
Check us out and "Be a part of the experience!"